4mm 5 Mm U-Rubber

When it comes to buying a product which can give excellent control over vibration & noise and use for decorative trim & sealing, U-Type Rubber Profiles is perfect for such use. Featuring high level of temperature flexibility and excellent steam & moisture resistance, the gamut is a smart investment. The highly tear resistive rubber product is extensively used for fixing glasses from thickness of 2 mm to 10 mm and also give rattle free fitment. One can find tremendous use of rubber made U' profiles for covering and protecting the sheet metal edges from several types of harms. Further, the U-Type Rubber Profiles available here are widely appreciated for their compression & cracking bearing strength and U.V. stability.

  • Low permeability to most gases and liquid
  • Capable of resisting several types if chemicals
  • Known for its impressive tensile strength
  • Finds its use for sealing doors & windows of homes, offices, hotels and studios

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